set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "16"& QUOTE set temp1= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "117"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #53:temp0,#5:temp1] set VideoList = [] @ RABBIT WITH CELERY ROOT Peel, wash and cut the celery root into little sticks 1 1/2 inch long. Blanch the celery root for a few minutes in a pot of boiling salted water and drain. Cut the rabbit into pieces and brown in 1 3/4 oz of melted butter, in a casserole. Season with salt and pepper and set the pieces of rabbit aside. Cut the smoked bacon into strips, and brown in the same casserole, add the white wine and the chicken stock. Reduce by a third, add the pieces of rabbit, the drained celery root sticks and the bouquet garni. Cover and cook for 30 minutes. Preparing the couscous: measure the volume of semolina, boil an equivalent amount of water and pour over the couscous. Cover and leave to rest for 10 minutes, then stir in the remaining diced butter and quickly mix with your fingers until the semolina no longer sticks. Place a piece of rabbit, decorated with a sprig of parsley, with some couscous, on a hot plate. Coat with sauce and serve. @ 1 rabbit (3 1/2 lbs) 1 celery root 7 oz smoked bacon 1 1/4 cups white wine 1 1/4 cups chicken stock 1 bouquet garni 3/4 cup butter 1 1/2 lbs couscous semolina parsley salt, pepper @ 20 mn @ 30 mn @ Disarticulate the joints of the rabbit before cutting it into pieces to avoid bone splinters. @ Ile-de-France @ Poultry, Game @ @ Fleurie @